Root Canal Treatment

What is root treatment?

Tooth cavities, traumas, or gum disease can cause inflammation at the tip of the root of the tooth, causing irreversible damage to the tooth. Today, careful root treatment can save a tooth. During root treatment, the root canal is opened, cleaned, and disinfected, and a filler is introduced into the cleaned canal. At the end of the root treatment, the dental crown is restored.

In what cases is the root treatment required?

When the caries process has reached the pulp (tooth nerve), there is a need for root canal treatment, i.e., removal of the so-called tooth nerve along with cleaning and filling of root canals. Here, the key to success that influences the tooth’s future is the proper filling of the canal.

In the past, arsenic was used to treat tooth nerve inflammation (pulpitis). It was left on the nerve for several days, after which nerve remains were removed, and the root canals were filled.

Currently, dental care is possible with just one appointment. However, depending on the extent of the inflammation, for example, your doctor may recommend several appointments. For this purpose, effective anesthesia is performed, the root canals are cleaned medically, and they are filled.

What is Periodontitis?

Periodontitis begins with caries that have been left untreated, resulting in inflammation of the root nerve.

How are root canals treated?

Our dental practice uses a modern method of treating pulpitis or root canals – filling the canal with a rubber-like substance.

It is important to understand that the roots are the most important part of the tooth. They are a necessary foundation for the later construction of an artificial tooth, should such a need arise. Therefore, it is very important that the root canal is properly cleaned, disinfected, and filled all the way.

Is root treatment safe?

The method is safe and efficient due to the state-of-the-art technology.  However, aged prostheses and broken fillings can also be replaced repeatedly. That’s why we pay close attention to root canal treatment.

Treatment of periodontitis (including previously treated canals)

Unfortunately, sometimes in practice, the treated tooth starts to ache during meals, reacts to cold and warm, or develops an unpleasant smell – symptoms of root inflammation. Perhaps it is the patient’s fault that he or she has not turned to the dentist in due time, or the culprit is a previous dental treatment that was not satisfactorily performed.  You should not hurry to have such a tooth removed. In modern endodontics (root canal treatment), there are measures and medications that will help preserve such teeth as well, of course, that does not mean that all teeth can be saved.

What is the cost of root treatment?

The cost of root treatment depends on the extent of the damage, so the cost of this procedure will vary.

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